Game Specific
Armory: long have you played WoW: since Vanilla
How long have you played your class: since Vanilla
How long have you played your current spec: since Vanilla
If asked, would you change your spec: no
Why did you choose the glyphs you use: guide
Why did you choose the talents you use: guide
Why did you reforge the way you did: guide
Why did you gem the way you did: haste is best gems atm
Why did you choose the professions you have: best for priest
If you're benched for a fight, is this okay with you: np
Can you make all our raid days: yes
Any notable guilds you have been a part of:
Do you have a mic: yes
Do you talk during fights (say if you have a DoT/other mechanic we need to be aware of): sure
We often joke with each other, so the tone might sound harsh if we wipe, is this okay with you: np
Do you click your abilities, or do you have them keybound: click/and bindings
On Joining Us
Why do you want to join us: good raid progress and FUN!
How can we benefit from having you: skilled expieriend player
Do you know anyone in the guild:
Name: Peter
Age: 19
Country: Austria
Other games you play: Counter-Strike
Screenshot of your UI: coming soon...
List of macros and addons you use: a lot